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is the motto, "the Union must and shall be preserved" I should thought this would have been defaced during the reign of Jeff. Davis After getting tired of the city we took the cars and went out to lake Pontchartrain, we got dinner at a first class French [illegible] then took a stroll out on the pier, here for the first time I had the pleasure of bathing in bath water After returning to the city we got in a carriage and took a ride several miles out the Shell road towards the lake. At dark we arrived in Camp, minus several dollars apiece, tired but sober. The next morning I was awakened up a hour earlier than I wanted to be, to go in to Carrollton as Corp of the guard. Do you remember the prophesy of some Southern man at the begining of the war that grass would grow in the streets of northern cities, there is not a street in N.O. but what grass grows in. This is how their phrophesies come true