Ex alio libro ?
Write theis names in the palme of thy right hand Gel Gym Gratum [illegible] and whosorver thou handlest therwith shall be thy frend.
Write theis 3 names in an Apple Moneth, Buulh Tetragramaton, and thy name, and her name and give it her to eate. Saepe probatum est.
Gather the herb Celandine in the day and houre of [sun] being in his Exaltacion or in his own house put it under thy right eare, and whatsoever Secret thou desirest to know of man or woman It shal be showed thee in thy sleep.
[?Machymeteyl] is the name of the Angel of [sun] by whose help thou mayst gather the herb.
Write theis words in an Apple with her knyfe + Agla + Alpha + et Omega + On pater + filius + On Spiritus Sancti 2. 5. g. 4. 3. In nomine Patris et filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Give it her to eate, et probatum est.