
From Newberry Transcribe
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A good Medicin for ã Ague. Probatum. Take a handful of smallage, as much sherpheards purse, the powder of white frankincense wt a little bay salte and half a spoonful of vineger; beate theme alltogether and lay it to the boughs of [first letter invisible]th {both?} yor Armes, and to yor wrests the space 24. houres an houre ere the fit cometh.

For the toothach. Take oyle of spike and poppyseed made [i?]nto powder; wet a linen cloth in it, and [l?]ey it to the place grieved. Also powder white frankincense and [lo?]ng pepper, boyle them in Aqua vitæ then wth som lint dipped in it, stop [not visible: 1? letter]h bole {hole?} of the fouls: and it wil be wel.

A puffis {pultis?} to dry an humour Take a handful or two wheatbran braten in a morter, then take the white [o?]f 6. eggs, 6. sponefulls of vineger wt [a?] handful of salt put them alltogether in a pan over the fire til it be warme stirr it wel and then spred it on a cloth and so apply it to the place grieved.

To make Heare grow in a bare place Take the leaves of a figtree, bruis them well and rub the bare place therwith. It will make heare grow in that place.

[transcribed by abamefra@gmail.com]

{suggested amendments by hello@herbalheritage.co.uk}