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life, which is very tedious to me, but as you do not complain I conclude it interests you. Sunday last our knapsacks were hauled to us from Grand Gulf that place now being evacuated. We did not get there before we needed them, for six weeks with one suit of cloths in hot and dusty weather is not very desirable. A great deal of little pilfering had been done. Johnie Beem lost his [whole] knapsack and all its contence which was of a great value to himself. What little I had was all right. I have now paper and envelops enough to last two months. Yesterday I gave my cloths a good boiling to get rid of Grey Backs if possible they are worse than the itch. There is another varmint here called Chigers, which are very anoying. They are so small that they are hardly perceptable with naked eye. They burry themselves under the skin making a lump as large as pea, which will itch for a week. From appearances I think that our Maj Surgeon is going to do far more for the sick than ever [before crossed out] they have had before. He say that the Reg. must have more vegitables, or they will all die with the scurvy. There are now several slight caces. Henry Whipple has the appointment as third Lieut. of Comp B 4 Inifs Reg [underline] Blacks [underline end].