[Begin inverted text] Tell Catie that I saw a little girl only six years old kniting, she had knit all of one pair of stockins, and commenced the second. She wanted to lern something they could not get hir any Books so she learned to knit [inverted text end] Millikin's Bend La. Mar. 13 / 63, Dear Sister, I received your letter of the 4th inst. last evening. Was verry sorry to hear that sickness had entered our family sircle. I shall be anxious untill I hear from you again, when I hope it may be for the better. I have been well since last writing, and hard at work. The Thirteenth Army are all moving to this place. On Saturday last in the afternoon the dam broke, which holds the water from the canal, and as the new levee along the side of the canal was [begin vertical writing] Now I want Catie to learn, so when she is six [illegible] a lot to knit me a pair [vertical writing end]