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our officers have treated J. T. Beam. They have shown a dislike to him for a long time, and he was very sensative of it, so when Hasard was appointed Orderly Sergt. over him, he asked for his resegnation, but instead of granting it, he was publicly reduced to the ranks. Some of his friends in the 13 Regulars advised him to take it before the General, as it is a breach of Military disipline. He will do nothing of the kind for a private in the Volunteer Service is not considered worthy of a hearing. The fourth and fifth Sergt. now take a step up, and E. B. Sandfield is appointed as fifth. One half of our Reg. is working on the canal again to day, the levee on this side has to be raised one foot higher, one day's work will finish it. There is one dredge boat commenced its opperations of digging it deeper. Our forces are erecting a battery of ten guns at the mouth of the Canal, so as to command a view of the river, as a protection against gunboats if they should come up the river.