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[begin inverted writing] Saturday 10 P. M. once more on the move must bring this to a close, for after we land may not have an opertunity from your Brother Carlie [inverted writing end]

Morn. The weather is clear and warm. Unknown to myself a portion of the fleet had fallen behind and that was why we were stoping, the balance have again come in sight and all are again on the move. Just after our boat had started out from shore four men from another regiment came running on the shore to get on, our boat returned for them, they were amediately put under arrest, they say that there are more men on shore, that they did not hear the salute fired. 10 A. M. The boats in the advance are beginning to land. I have been sitting on the bow of the boat ever since Sun down, it is a beautiful moon light night clear and warm, with watching the fleet and thinking of home, drove all thoughts of sleep away. Thursday morn. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, wish I could fill your Stockens with curiousities such I never saw before for instance a Sweet Potatoe that would weigh eleven pounds. I saw this morning for the first time a field of Cotton, which had not been picked, in the distance it looked as though there was snow on the ground beside I saw the palm leaf growing. I went out foraging again this morning but did not get much, there were to many a head of me. At one house near here there were some of the enemys Cavy. pickets were going to have a dinner to day, but when we landed the skedaddeled. 10 P. M. a portion of the troops are landing here, twelve miles above [begin sideways and inverted writing:] I think you will have enough to do to decipher this scribel writen with a bit of pencil an inch and a half long. [end sideways writing]