he took an axe away from me while i was puting up my tent for to fix his own, I got mad and told him that he was no better than me if he was Capt. The truth of the mater is that he does not know anything, and has not the capasaty of comanding. Lieut. Lewis has the big head so bad that he can not speak to a common man. Lieut Davis has refused the position of Qr. Mr. the Col is anxious he should take it because there is no other first Lieut. in the regiment capable of filing the position. I noticed to day that John Howard has the stripes of a corporal. I received a letter from Sister Lucy last Saturday. she has got my picture but says she would not recognise it as being her brother Carl. I shall not send this until we get to Lexington there may be some thing there for me. Camp near Lexington Wednesday afternoon, this is a splendid country here from Paris here the land is roling and under a high stae of civilisation with some of the handsomeist country residences I ever saw. We passed within sight of the monument of Henry Clay. I should think it must be nearly one hundred feet high. I should like much to go and see the grounds but do not expect to get a chance. [begin vertical writing] The encampment here is a very extensive one as far as the eye can reach there is nothing but soldiers. We shall probably stay here a few days untill a brigade is formed [vertical writing end]