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Cleared off and was a splendid evening 23rd Mama washed. Mrs Johnson came over with her little boy to get him boarded here thinking my school commenced on that day which was a mistake. At night we had quite a heavy shower 24th Very warm and pleasant all day. I churned bout 8 lbs of butter and worked 14 lbs. Olliver came over and took dinner with us. Papa and he settled said he was going north to stay 6 months. 25 Very pleasant in the morning Sarah Stephens came over told us our meal was at their house and spent the forenoon with us. Mary unclear came over and staid all day and night as it came up a shower at night so she could not go. George Pettingale called. Mrs Stephens came over for Purock? Papa & Mr Randall were going to kill on of our calves but concluded he was not fat enough. in the afternoon they went to the Post Office (mail had not come) to Mr unclear who had unclear got home from the land office and to Mr unclear to get some corn. Caroline & I got very wet milking 26 Rainy by spells all day. Peter came after Mary. Mr Margill called to see Papa about going to land office the next day 27th Papa started on Charley for Mr Fritz about 1/2 past 4 in the morning. Papa Margill & Fritz started for the land office. I walked over to Mrs Fritz and spent a very pleasant day Mrs Fritz told me Ma report stunt? I told her from Mrs Pole concerning Mr A and self. Lucinda & Maryette came in the afternoon. Mr did not speak to me. Mrs F urge me to stay all night but Mama sent Washington over with the horse so I rode home. Just after I left