It cant be helped non? I bet? this fall if you have a chance to? rent it for a good price, you will not hang back. I will send you what Hennandsen? wrote. Will you write to him at once; or shall
for there is nothing in them,- only about the strikers, and of course you read that there,- Johnie Steves moved out of your house Thursday and before that; I had rented? it to another family, and as soon as Johnie moved out; the other family moved in. Their names are Pearsonz?. He paid me $5.00? the night I rented it to him and as I could not change a $20.00 bill; he could not pay the other $2.00 but would hand it to me before the 10th. When I get it; I shall give it to Joslyn?; and every 10th I shall hand him $7.00 until he is paid. I was glad to get a family in as soon as Johnie moved out; so the house wouldn't lay idle aren't you glad I did. I look for that money from Mr Lamb? today, and if he sends it I will send you $10.00 to pay the rest to