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I will be there next spring and make you a visit why don't you ever write to me and let me know how you are getting along. I suppose you are perfectly happy now. I went to church last Sunday where the preacher sung his sermon he was a freewill baptist I go to meeting when I please I can go every Sunday if I am a mind to. have you sold your colt yet the snow is about four inches in depth pretty good sleighing it is very healthy hear. I have not heard of more than two or three letters since I came out here and those were children. Tell Juliaett that I shall answer her letter in a few days. We have not had any very cold weather here yet but I expect the more is to come. Herman's folks talk of going down to unclear to live I don't know whether they will or not I can't think of any more to write so I will close write soon as you get this. From Your Daughter Ann Augusta Jaqurins Amelia says tell Charley she can scunk him in spelling