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on the one hand, and Jonny K. Green on the other, for my own part, I don't see how she can turn either to the right or left with any degree of certainty. _ I will send cousin a few news- papers, in hopes they may help to console her in her dark days of disappointment, which have lately befallen her, And besides, make her think I am not as mean, as she has taken me to be,

Egbert is well, he left this morning on the S.B. "Boreas"? for Burlington on business of his own I think to close sales of Liquors sent there on consignment in the Spring, he will return in the? course of one week,_ Egbert wanted me to write? home and state to the folks as he termed it, that he had gone to Burlington for the purpose of getting married, I remarked to him that if I should make such a statement it might give you some uneasiness, He replied, Sweet Home, don't you suppose they think I know enough to take care of my self -- Please answer this on receipt and I think it will just be in time, before I leave, I shall continue to write you frequently,

My health continues very good, And I fondly hope this may find you in possession of the same, and that a continuation may attend you, until I see you, -- My best respects to all the family, and my love and all to you, From your Sincere and Affectionate Husband, C.Gardner Pearce