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Saint Louis Sept 25th 1840 [[Miss??] J. Ann Sackett I can inform you that the assistance of Divine Providence, that my health is very much improved. I am now so that I can go about the House a little, and can just make out to write a feeble kind of letter, I dare not venture out yet, and probably will not for several days. Although the weather is very warm and pleasant. I have been calculating to bring the "Monsoon" around when I came but at present there is not water enough for her. unless there is a unclear of water soon I think I shall only remain here until I get able to travel, and then take the first good light draught Boat may leaving for Cincinnati, or Louisville__ How many days longer I may have to tarry here I cannot say, As disappointment has already been my lot in being, detained here, I dare not promise with any degree of certainty, what time you will see me. But I think probably within one week after the arrival of this letter, unless I should meet with much delay on the voyage unclear