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brought up against the Malir? wheel, and then one of them walking up in the cabin and taking full possession of two State Rooms The other entiming the Blacksmith Shop on the opposite side laying it nearly prostrate as well as doing considerable damage to the guards. The South? unclear without any in jusy?. I am making repairs again as fast as pofsible, to be in redinefs for the present help? by the 14th or 18th inst. It will cost something like $500~ to make our repairs good besides some detenition of time ___ So you can pirceive that we have some bitter with the Sweet___ We had not a single case of sicknif on board during the last trip. which is not often the case at to this seasin of the year. Lawyer Perin is in the city, and informs me that he has relinquished his profefional businefs in Iowa. Sold his Books ic. And now soliciting to get a situation as clerk on some Steam Boat. or in some commircial house. He is very anxious to go with me as unclear clerk or any way that I will take him. But as I know he would not suit me, I cannot give him any encouragement in the way of a situation here, I have proposed to give him a pafage to New Orleans and let him try his luck there , as I am anxious to see him doing something, he staks to me that he is considerably involved, which I suppose is no doubt the case. This to you I consider confidential, as well as way? thing