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throughout the letter, is very instuctive and interesting to me, I am happy when I reflect that I have such a wife, who can communicate in words, fellings of sentiment, susceptible of entering my very heart.

Relative to business, my object is industry and whatever I may follow for a livelihood will be for gain, if it can be done on fair business transactions. It is gratifying to me to know, that I am making something, my own inclination and duty towards my family requir that I should possess such feelings, yet on the other hand I dont think I am miserly or laboring for any thing unnecessary, for unclear feelings are, that when the proper source unclear torn paper demands it. I can dispense as freely ? unclear torn paper receive. I often think of you, and our dear little daughter, and should be most happy to perfection if I could see you to night.

My dear wife, I hope you will endeavor to bear my absence, with as much fortitude as possible, for the good of all things, I shall endeavor to come to Cinta, with the "Goddess" or without her, to see you before many Months.

I will close hoping this may soon reach you, and find you all in health, and that I may hear from you at St. Louis. Give my compliments to all the family, and please accept a Husband's best love for youself & our litte daughter, Your sincere and Affectionate Husband

C. Gardner Pearce
