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I have as usual, often thought of you and our darling babe. I hope you will make immediate application or get medical advise relative to her eye. I have thought more serious of what it might terminate since I left home. I wish you would write me on receipt of this, and direct to "Cairo care of W. Falls, it will be in time to meet me on the way out from St. Louis, you can send it by Wm Fuller should he return soon, or let Wm. Thomas or his unclear Edwin put it on the first unclearme unclear St. Louis, or N. Orleans, unclear St. Louis boats will be the most likely to ? stop at Cairo. I am not in time for the Mail boat, but will send this on the "Harkaway" as she is coming through the canal. I have just seen the clerk of the H. he says the "Goddess" landed along side of them, and all well on board, but the sickness was very bad below when they left.

I will write you again from St. Louis, and as often as an opportunity offers

My love to all the family, and please accept the same for yourself and our little daughter. -- Your Sincere & affectionate Husband

C. Gardner Pearce
