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Louisville June 17th 1843

My Dear Wife,

We arrived here this morning about daylight in safety. The night was cool & changeable, with intermitent showers of rain. We had quite a good number of passengers from the "Queen City", and here we have filled up to overflowing as usual. We have the Steamer New York to day for a competitor, but she is doing nothing in the way of getting passengers, all the harm she does us is to cut down on the price of passage & then we get the preference & take them on the "Goddess" as you might very naturly suppose.

We shall leave here at 10.o'Clk to day with as much freight as we want, and a very fair show of Passengers, and will be able to go over the Falls.

All well on board the "Goddess"

My best compliments to all the family, & accept a Husband's & Father's best love, & wishes, for yourself & our dear interesting little Daughter.

From Your Sincere & Affectionate Husband

C. G. Pearce
