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Shippingsport May 28th 1843

My Dear Wife,

We are progressing with our repairs, and expect to come off the Dock by next Tuesday Morning. You may look for me home on Wednesday Morning, should we not be detained. The "Goddess" was not injured very much by her late accident, but I have thought best to give her a thorough caulking, to save the expense of another dockage.

I have not been to Louisville for several days past, but left orders for my letters to be sent down. I have not recd. but the one from you, which was handed me by Egbert. I am daily expecting a letter from you.

I have not heard from Egbert since he left us. We are all well on board.

Give my best respects to all the family and accept my best love for yourself and our little "Ann Maria" with kisses enough to last you until I arrive.

Your Sincere and Affectionate Husband

C. Gardner Pearce
