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Stmr. "Cincinnati" Nov. 10/46

My Dear Wife,

We are at this time about 75 Miles below Louisville on our up Trip, all well, We have been detaind about 34 hours waiting to meet the rise to let us over Cumberland Bar, I hope to receive favorable information from you on my arrival at Louisville, if so, I shall remain to help land the "Cincinnati" and then proceed Home, I recd 2 letters from you at Cairo, which were soon, and diligently perused, I feel very Thankful for them, and hope you have been able to write me at Louisville. --

I am very anxious to see you and our darlings, and hope I may be in time for the coming occasion, -- Your request has been complied with, I purchased in N. Orleans, Those small chairs which I will bring home with me, Say to our darlings that Father will soon be home. -- Remember me to Mother and all the family + please accept my best love for yourself + our little ones. --

Your Affectionate Husband C. G Pearce
