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this at Memphis to go through by land Mail via Nashville Tenn, unless I hear on my arrival at Memphis of a rise in the Ohio. -- Dutee is well again and I hope may in future escape the Chills, I feel very well and to day the change of weather has been so great that it has reminded me of your advise to beware of the sudden changes of weather,

To protect myself in accordance I have put on thick draws and two pair of Socks as I have no thick ones with me. I hope you will dress sufficiently warm to escape taking cold, in your present situation it would be very severe, -- Say to our darlings that Father will come home after he makes another trip to N. Orleans and in conclusion dear wife allow me to advise you to keep up good resolution, and bear with fortitude whatever may take place either of an exciting or depressing nature. --

Remember me affectionately to each member of our family, and Dear Wife please accept my best love with lots of kisses for yourself and our little darlings

Your Sincere + Affectionate Husband.

C. G. Pearce
