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they have been gulled out of their pay and disbanded in a Southern Climate without money or friends to make the best of their way home, of those who remain the Climate will kill ten where the Mixecans will kill one. --

Last night and night before I attended church the revival is still going on, Mr Gallager the Preacher who is here on a tour and has been holding forth for some time is a sound reasoner, I have become aquainted with him, he informs me that he preached in Cincinnati about Eleven Years ago. Tomorrow Evening his subject is to show that the Bible is a Divine unclear and wishes all who are skeptical on unclear subject to come and hear him, I have one subject to take along with me. it is Charly Stinde my old Mate, how is now on the "Champion". -- If all things work well I expect to be able to leave here in one week from to day, I expect the time will seem long and hang heavy with you, But dear Wife, I hope you will have fortitude to bear you up under the disappointment. --

Remember me affectionately to each member of our family + Please accept my best love for yourself and our little daughters with lots of kisses. --

Your Affectionate Husband. C. Gardner Pearce
