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Stmr. Cincinnati June 24/46

My Dear Wife,

We are at this time just above Natchez, on our downward passage, all well, and would fondly hope this may soon reach you, + find yourself and our family all in health. -- We shall be late in getting down, and may not leave New Orleans until Saturday 27th inst. Friday is our regular day as pr advertisement, In case I can come home, you may not look for me as soon by one day as if we had complied with our regular day -- I may make you a short visit on my trip up, This however will depend something upon the state of Water, business +c. I am in hopes of getting a trip of Troops on our return trip from Louisville, should there be water enough to let us up. --

Remember me affectionately to each member of the family. Say to our little darlings that Father is constantly thinking about them, and wishes much to see them, they must be good girls + mind Mother + everybody -- My dear Wife, I feel very anxious to see you, but at present cannot approach you any more than to send you my best love and affections as a Husbands sincere boon --

Your Sincere + Affectionate Husband

C. Gardner Pearce
