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S. B. Cincinnati Dec 24/45

My Dear Wife,

We are at this time just above Vicksburg, our trip down will be quite a long one, occasioned by dark & foggy nights, -- Your much esteemed favor of the 15th inst pr. Mr Faris was recd. at Memphis, but not until my letter to you, had gone to the Post Office, I am sorry to learn by the contents of your letter, that you were quite indisposed with a cold, I hope however you have fully recover 'ere this comes to hand, if not, I hope you will take something that will give you immediate relief. Your letter as pr advise, pr. Stmr. "Queen City" I have not recd, it is quite likely I may get it in New Orleans, if they have not put it out on the way down. -- My mind at any time is not void, thinking of you and our darling children two words underscored. I hope soon to see you all. -- Remember me to all the family, & please accept my best love & many kisses, for yourself & our little Ones three words underscored

Your Sincere & Affectionate Husband "My health is good,"

C. Gardner Pearce