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- Since I have been in the Territory I had quite an adventure on my way up at Tully Mo. I took one of the Packet Boats to that point to gain time on the Galina boat, which was to leave St. Louis about the same time. I had to go into the Country back of Tully 5 or 6 Miles to see a gentleman, and went out on Horseback, on my return near Tully as I was descending a hill the Horse either stumbled, or took fright and runaway. I endeavoured to check his furious speed by holding up, but rigging soon gave way, the bridle & stirrup broke, and the headway of the Horse was only checked by throwing him, which pitch me over his head some 15 feet under a fence, and Miraculous to say only made a little wound over my right eye, However the shock was pretty severe I soon felt quite lame in my shoulder neck & in short all over. But at present am nearly over the shock.

May this find you all in health is my Sincere wish. - My respects to all the family & please accept my best love for yourself & our little daughters.- Your Affectionate Husband C. G. Pearce image