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St. Louis June 2d 1845

My Dear Wife,

The Steamer "North-America" will leave soon, I have been so unwell to day with a return of Chill & Fever that I did not feel able to write until now.

We are taking in freight for N. Orleans and I expect will be laden so as to leave here on Wednesday 4th inst.

I have seen Mr Alexander & Mr Chappell they inform me that their families are all in good health. Alex, told me that Aunt Sarah had arrived, and that she called on you previous to leaving Cincinnati, and informed him that you were all well, I have not called on the Chappell family if I feel well enough I may do so previous to my departure from this City.

I will send you Tea Rose by N. Amercia & pay one of the boys to take it up to you -- I will send two Letters for Geo B. Pearce which I suppose are from his Brother in Galena Ills. -- Enclosed I send you Forty Dollars. -- I hope this may find you all in good health. Remember me to Mother & all the family, and accept my best love for yourself and our little ones

From your Affectionate Husband

C. G. Pearce

The Oranges were decaying so fast that I concluded not to send them image