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happy altogether, think seriously of it, then when the railroad is finished you would only be in the country from Pittsburg, you could practice there too. Julia could accompany you there and I would take care of the family. I have no doubt you would get enough to do, and think of all the happiness and comfort that would result from such a move. I really think it would be to you advantage as well as mine, if you had a comfortable home and a little society every day with all Pittsburg at hand what more could you desire. If possibly you really should have any such an idea write inmediately to Pa. but no I would not arge it only present it for your consideration. This is Sunday. I began on this letter on friday intending to send it the same day. I am much better today in body and mind Pa is rather? better, tho he has an alarming little ulcer in the roof of his mouth that he fears will go thro to the passage to the nose, he says he might as well be dead at once, as part of all the food & drink would come thro the nose, but it may heal before that. William came today he looks pretty well. I wish you could see, and have, if you want it, out pet crow, it is very wise and intelligent, it knows us and runs after us, cawing and opening its mouth as intelligently as a child, it is quite a favorite with us, it is called Jack. for you. I did not show your letter to R. you can tell her all you want her to know, and what you think of W. She told me the other day that it was only a year since she could think of speak of Phil. Fisher without emotion. I think then she ought to see him before marrying another who is her very opposite, the last two days she is much pleasanter. I hope it will last. Much love to both tell dear Julia we all love her and should be very happy to see you both. I guess I had better not begin the other side of the sheet, your unclear will give out. Pa is walking about this morning just gone to Watson's office. I have not room to tell you dearest Johnny how truly and affectionately I am your own mother M. LeM_