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you need not deceive yourself by thinking anything else, your position here would be among the best, and a very good prospect of increasing your income, however I do not wish to urge you, I only propose, do as you please. I would not for the world have you here 'morose[underlined] and discontented'[underlined] sighing for the delights of a City life, especially if you were married. No dearest boy never while I have reason will my desires seek gratification at the expense of another's happiness. But this cringing devotion to wealth and power this entire sacrifice of self[underlined], friends and all that and made this life dear, strikes me in such a light that I cannot think or speak of it without extreme excitement. I find no fault to your conduct but your motives, a certain degree of ambition is laudable and its its pursuits self denial industry and sometimes a rigid economy are expected, and oftentimes indispensible. But do not tell me you would devote your life and barter home and friends for the approbation of an old woman whom fame characterises as ignorant[underlined] proud overbearing and Tyrannical all in the superlative degree, do not tell me so for I cannot bear it. I just thought if you were anxious to be married and reasonable in your desires you might like home again, you would both keep your position in society and if you could be happy in each other, why you could live anywhere especially surrounded by kind and happy friends, of course there are some draw backs as to every thing else, but I do expect this is just as pleasant as Beloit? and Fred thinks it good enough for Miss Edwards. Pa is a little better than when I wrote you last tho' not mending, he received a large package of papers from Col. Newsom?, a long rigmarole for Mama to swear[underlined] to that she knew nothing about, he said she need not hesitate? as the things therein were substantially[underlined]