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Dear Sisters I wish you would spin enough this winter so you can spen time to come up here next winter and fetch up Hezekiah I want to see him & you too verry much. Fanny says she is a coming down to get Heze lamb for Henry to play with he begins to hold play things Julia he wants to have a rattle box to play with but I want to have you come and take care of him more Alba & Lucy you tell Esther if she wil come up here & bring her needle and shears and live one year I dont dout but she will get a beau as smart as uncle perus or Lucetia either there is enough beaus for all of you as good as Horis Filly & they have got bigger begs than he has & there is some here will doe for Martin & Isaac if they will fix up smart give my to aunt marium & nancy Hayden & all the rest of our page torn

says that beef is low so I suppos Father did not mak a thousand pound this time a going york but he did not now what he did get for his cattle tell Isaac we will put the old maid into rum or camfire to preserve her tell aunt Marium I hant forgot her we have made one good barrel of soap Fanny says Mamma I want to see little heze dreffully tell E it makes henry most dance only the sight of his shoes remember us to Father Haydens family tell Clara I thank her for her letter & tell Elen I suppos she had so much to think about election she could not think of writing to me tell Nancy to save a few barbarys for me to make preserves on not keep them all herself Hannah hayden I wrote a letter to Polly last week Alla Lucy Julia Hayden