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18 up the fruit of the School or serving in the Capacity of a pastor. The Superintendent would be left to carry out the details of the work in his own way, and to come into direct contact with his teachers in superintending the special preparation of every lesson in the teachers meeting privilege & a power wh. no Supt. can afford to lose. In the light of this discussion it is not then a mere question of privilege or choice as to whether a pastor has a Normal Class but one of duty. We have not stopped to consider its practicality. It has been sufficiently tested already to settle that question beyond a doubt. If a pastor can sustain a Sunday School he can a Nor. Class. If he can keep alive a prayer meeting he can by application and thoroughness keeping alive a Nor. Class. It is a question of no ordinary interest or movement. We must keep unclear with the rapid current of ideas or we shall lose ground for God. The time to grasp these means to like these advanced positions is now.