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19. brings untold blessings to man. It was created for man, So the day on which God rested from his work because a memorial of his benefactions. What of Earthly good unclear enjoy, whether little or much is proclaimed by the Sab. to have come from God. In so far as we desecrate this day we as loudly proclaim there is no God, there is no providence ruling the world, there is no benefactor but nature. This is what opposers of the Sab. are doing and desire to do today. The same language is being spoken by loose and worldly professors of religion who cannot abide under the restraints of a holy day. We need not be mistaken. The Sab. stands as the sign and seal of every truth which lies at the basis of an intelligent and moral universe. Break down the Sab. and the world will soon say God is not and man is but a creature of a day let us eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.