Ma says to decide for yourself and write to De Naret? at Buffalo - Virginia - as he wishes an immediate answer. I should think you might make quite a nice little speculation out of it. I suppose Mr. Newsom does not make any charge if he fails to obtain it - Dr N. just says - "40 dollars fee - provided he gets it." I don't know what kind of weather you are having up in Chicago - but here is is so warm and pleasant - that fire is almost unnecessary. The flowers seem to have mistaken it for spring - for they are peeping up - to see how things look. In the last letter we had from Lis Wilson - she enclosed a rose-bud - gathered from the garden on New Years say - and she is not very far south - She is in that part of Virginia called the Northern Neck. Oh I have been wishing this long time to ask you about a gentleman in Chicago named Mr. Waite or Wait - I don't know how the name is spelled but it is pronounced so. Is he the same person you mentioned to me as knowing Miss Garfield very well - if it is - he had reason to know her well for they are to be married some time this month. Fannie Pelletrean? who is teaching with Miss Garfield wrote to Mrs. Reed? about it. What sort of a man