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"All the stars and the moon with them cannot produce day - this is the sun's prerogative. Nor can nature's highest light, the most refined society and morality, make it day in the soul. This belongs to Christ. That spiritual sense which was closed up by sin must be opened by X. Reason may display her logic but it can never reveal the truth as it is in Jesus. Men may think they reason correctly when by argument they do away with the necessity of being born again, when if their eyes were open to discern spiritual things their logic would appear to themselves absurd. To judge of a thing correctly one must have personal knowledge of it. To see one must have eyes. Spiritual knowledge requires spiritual Sight. Christ only can give this. But one sun gives light to the world. So there is but one Sun of Righteousness; one son of God; one Mediator between God and man. There is salvation in none other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby one must be saved. But the text has something more for us. It says "He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness