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6. attaches blame to itself. We need not ask, why God permitted sin, as though we could in some way change the blame of our fall to Him, and relieve ourselves. Every soul is conscious that it is the underline author if its own sin end underline. And hence the feeling of guilt. No man is condemned simply for the sin which he commits irrespective of his moral obligation - but for the underline guilt end underline which sin involves. Man is considered and held responsible for his acts because there is a moral law, hence when he traverses Gods law he becomes a transgressor - a guilty sinner, according to the scriptures "What things sever? the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God." strike through With guilt comes pollution, and the dangers of eternal death. end strike through I I submit it to you, my friends, what heart can be at ease with such a burden of sin as this resting upon it; Nor is this all the rotaries? of sin must submit to all its