2 made under the law. He never could have lived without experiencing the suffering of death; for without the Shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. He never could have died without a resurrection; for he could not be holden of death - he had power to lay down his life and he had power to take it again. These three truths also give us the three redemptive attributes of the Saviour. His life was the unfolding of his wisdom. His death was the unfolding of his love. And his resurrection was the unfolding of his power. Wisdom, love, power! What more is essential to a complete Saviour! Wisdom to plan, love to move and pity - and power to execute and save! The latter sets a seal to each of the former. The Early disciples put great stress upon this. Peter on Pentecost gave it as the secret of the marvellous manifestation of the Spirit on that Eventful day. This Jesus hath God raised up whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore