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To: all Christian People to Whome these presents shall Come Greeting Know ye that we Samuell Barns of Middletown In the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticutt In New England and Elezebeth His Wife for the Consideration of forty Shillings money to us In hand paid by Seth Wetmore of Middletown aforsaid Do Give Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto him the said Seth Wetmore his hiers and assigns for Ever all the Right Tytle Interest Share and proportion that we or either of us have in or to the Common and undevided Land on the east side of the Grate River In Middletown aforsaid or that is Granted to be devided not laid out To Have and To Hold the said Granted and Bargained premises with all the previledges and appurtunances thereto Belonging or any waies appertaining unto him the said Seth Wetmore his hiers and assigns to his and theire sole and only use Benifits and Behoofs? for Ever In Witness whereof we have set our hands and seals this seventh day of may In the Eight year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord George the second of Grate Britan &c King &c anno Domni 1735 Signed Sealed and Delivered In presence of Daniel Hall James Knowles Samuell Barns red wax seal Elezebeth her X mark Barns unclear red wax seal Middletown may the 7th 1735 then personally appeared Samuel Barns and Elezebeth his wife the Grantors and acknoledged this Instrument to be their free act and Deed Corum: - Giles Hall Just: Peace Recorded in Middletown 6th Book of Records fol: 212/3 pr Jabez Hamlin Registr