From Newberry Transcribe
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To all Christian People to Whom These Presents Shall Come - greeting. Know ye that we Samuell Blakley of Woodberry in the County of Fairfield and Colony of Connecticutt in New England and Elner his wife for the Consideration of the sum of five pounds Current, money to our full satisfaction well and Truly paid by Seth Wethmore of Middleton in the County of Hartford & Colony aforsaid Do give Grant, bargain sell Convey and Confirm unto him the said Seth Wethmore his hiers and assigns forever all our strikethrough: Tytle Rights Tytle share proportion and interest that we have in unclear common or common & undivided lands of the Township of middleton aforsaid for that the said Elner is Daughter to unclear Lane & Hannah his wife formerly of said Middleton Now deceased who were ancients proprietors of said Town or any other waies whatsoever to Have & to hold the above granted and Bargained premises [with] all the appurtenances unto him the said Seth Wetmore [his] hiers and assigns forever to his and there proper use benefit and behoof forever In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty first day of Febry in the sixth year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord George the second of Great Britan France & Ireland King &c Anno Domni 1732 or 3 Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of Andrew Hinman the word money was underlined before signing between the fourth and fifth line Timothy Hinman Samuel Blakly his mark red wax seal

Elenar Blakly her mark red wax seal

Samuel Blaksly & Elenor Blakely His wife that signed & sealed this above written Instrument Psonally appeared in Woodbury Febry 26th 1732-33 & acknowledged ye same to be their free act & Deed. Before me, Joseph Minor Justice of Peace This deed is recorded in Middleton sixth book of records fol. III: June 14th 1734