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with evergreens and autumn leaves and a large boquet at the foot - Wreaths of evergreen and autumn leaves adorned the other walls and three beautiful boquets the table. It required a great deal of time and labor but I knew the occasion never would occur again in my life time, so I felt that I would spare no pains Beside I had been invited to write some original Hymns for the occasion, and had promised to, so I was pretty fully occupied I assure you, beside we were to prepose for a Collation in the vestry after the services - The services were to commence at 12 o'clock Wednes- Oct 12th - The Congregation were all to be seated previously except the ministerial procession and invited guests Doct Taylor & wife were there and all societies joined. They sent for Doct Taylor & Wife in a low Carriage - twas the first time he had rode out - The house was filled long before 12 all but the reserved seats Rev - Mr. Lincoln was president of the day, Spooner Chief Marshall, Danford & Edwin Stevens assistants. And when after the arrival of Rev. Mr Smith and others - Mr Lincoln and Spooner entered the door of the church, followed by Rev. Mr. Smith and wife and the ministerial procession and invited guests the congregation and choir all rose and remained standing until they were all seated - Then, the congregation were seated and the choir remained standing and sung "Glory to God in the Highest" Then followed Reading of the Scriptures by Rev J M Goldsbury - and next my Original Hymn of Welcome to the Pastor, read from the pulpit by Rev. M. Lincoln announcing to the audience before reading, that the authoress was grand-daughter of the second Minister of Warwick - and the choir sang it with very fine effect to the music of "Cleaveland" in BaKer's Collection unclear "Israel Shepherd guide me feed me," & o Dont you remember? Next a prayer by Rev. Mr Moors of Greenfield - next a selected hymn read by Stillman Barber and sung to the music of Sterling then followed the Sermon - And Mr Smith arose in venerable majesty (he is 75 years old) and announced his text - "And having obtained help of God I have continued until this day". written down left hand side of page Chandler has been talking with James Blake tell his Western fever has no bound - I dont know but he will sell at auction yet - James tells him of a place near him - and, some one else tells him of a place in Wisconsin - some one else of a place in Ohio &c. and he's half bewitched to go - Cousin Susan Reed sent me Uncle Timothy's Photograph a short time ago it looks as if would speak I have also Major Reeds son and daughters am, promised the rest There now good bye write soon to your affectionate sister Mary.