cake, custard, and biscuits, in and on the stove as the "case required" in an incredibly short time - Of course the house and I was "all in a reek", so the windows all had to be raided in the immediate vicinity - and I hastened to set my table a La mode. Dedicated my new silver-forks, and at 6-20, we set-down to what Chandler said was "a very respectable supper" - So you see I continue to have "mighty times", "as usual" Next in order is the war - the recent items of which of course you are in possession of. News to-night, Grant is within seven miles of Richmond! The draft is still going on, you know, all around us - fourteen men have been drafted from this town the names you may have seen and only six accepted, the remaining ones to be replaced by an additional draft, the names of which are expected here to night - Chandler has gone to hear the result now. As yet Chandler and Samuel have not been drafted - but I so much fear they will be. Towns people and the select men are expecting themselves to raise subscriptions and procure substitutes - but it is very uncertain if we obtain them - Several of the Warwick boys have been wounded in the recent battles and two reported killed - one of which is Joseph Sawyer that lived with Chandler, you know. The other was a Henry Mason a newcomer. Mr. Lincoln's sone Sumner was slightly wounded and came home on a thirty days furlough - walks with a crutch - Mrs Lincoln and he have gone to Fitchburg & Vicinity on a short visit. So Mr Lincoln is keeping house alone. He goes to Jamaica on exchange next Sabbath and Mr. Perkins of Winchester is coming here, and we shall have him to Entertain among other things. Sabbath before last, Mr. Holmes of Orange exchanged and I declare if he is'nt a queer minister I never saw one - His subject in the morning was Beauty, and in the afternoon Love. Taking for his text the stalled ox and the herbs. written down left hand side of page As to visiting, you will see, mine will have to be deferred 'till autumn which is my choice - I have accepted an invitation to visit cousin Kate Reed of Greenfield when my school is finished - I dont know certainly how long 'twill be I guess somewhere about the middle of July -