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Monday after you left I commenced our Village School. Hattie Goldsbury continued unable, and I was at length induced, by offer of good compensation &c. to teach the school. So of course you must know I've not had much spare time since. I have forty-five pupils - I teach only five days in a week and Saturdays I churn! Wash, and bake, and have been cleaning the chambers {and working in the grden that time I had beside, in connection with the other ordinary domestic duties. It keeps me exceedingly busy, but we get along nicely - When we have warm meat dinners, I get every thing ready in the morning on and in the stove and Chandler comes in and kindles a fire at a certain time and starts things cooking, and when I get home it is all ready to take up on the table. But you know these were numberless I had left to be done after you had all gone, when I thought I was going to have so much time - So the 1st Saturday after I commenced. I did'nt have time to bake all I wanted to, and prepared everything for baking Monday night after school - In the mean time we were going to subsist on "what was left", with what I might cook as a woork of necessity on Sunday - Well, Monday night came, and it was announced to my perceptive faculties, at quarter past five that I was to have a visitor to tea - Here was a dilemma! But I must meet it single handed and alone - So I built a tremendous fire, so the teapot rocked like a cradle in spasms - and flew into the pantry, grasped at the flour, loded out the cream, sugar, and eggs, and beat and stirred with a vengance, and whirled written down left hand side of page I want you should write often and tell me all the nice Times you are having &c when Rhoda comes home I shall have more time to write I want to write a few words to Winnie, so good-night - with love from your sister Mary