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Give my love to the little children and tell them I'll come sometime, and tell them ever so many stories - I should like to see you all very much but - it seems to be vetoed just now - How different things have resulted from what we used to plan. I often think of it, and how queerly things have turned out, and then I wonder if we have been led along the way by an overruling Power, or if we have sort of blundered along to the places we are in. I dont Know, and can't tell, but I frequently think I made a mismove in coming West Still I hope things may yet, all turn out well and the end be bright - I hope I hadent to live in this kind of a way always -But am resolved to make the best of present circumstances at any rate - I don't know any other way - I was glad to hear from Chandler - I have written to him, to Rhoda, to Samuel & Maria - and shall expect to hear from them soon - I had a letter from Charles a few days ago with an invitation to go to La Porte and spend the 4th with him - But I cant go of course. written down the left hand side of page There have been arrangements mad to have meetings in my school-house on Sabbath occasionally - The minister from Blue Island comes over. We've had a meeting there two Sabbaths - How are you going to spend 4th of july? There has been sort of a plan for the Murray & Bailey families including me to take a little jaunt to Gibson as a huckle-berry unclear - I dont think I shall go if it is so warm.