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Hope July 2nd 1863 Thursday Morning My dear sister Abby: I was very gald to recieve your letter. I had been anxiously waiting for it a long time and was afraid something was the matter. I'm very sorry you've been having such a hard time. Has the baby got well yet? And does your girl prove to be a good one? I suppose Mr. Kendall has returned to La Porte again. He made me just a little call on his way home and it did me ever so much good for I was needing sympathy very much then, more than usual, and that is enough, generally - He told you, of course, what I told him - I had but just found it out myself, and of course felt like death, for the very fear of the contagion - But I hope my fears are groundless. I have'nt heard any thing more of it since written down left hand side of page I wish I could get on some of your sewing and I'd help you about it - I've been finishing off night=caps I've got four muslin ones beide my two embroidered ones like aunt Wrights - I'm embroidering a handkerchief now - and Jennie Bailey gave me a nice tatting shuttle and I've been making some Tatting with it.