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eating strawberries and cream, I guess when you and Charles were out riding - We have had abundance of strawberries here. Have you? Mrs. Bailey prepared a quantity for tea or supper, Friday night that you wrote me you was coming here. But I presume they would be no rarity for you I often think, I wish Abby had some of them. But I dont suppose they would be very nice after jotting on the cars in the sun and dust, else I would have tried to have sent her a box. I never thought of it when you was here. You might have taken some home. Though I believe they had picked all there was ripe the night before. We've been having pease a week or ten days - Yesterday, Mrs Wheeler of Chicago spent the afternoon here - Her husband, father and brother-in-law were here during the day - All very pleasant acquaintances - There was so little time and we had so much else to speak of that there was no opportunity to see the place here, when you came, I wanted to show you the garden & take you over to see my little school-house &c - Yes 'tis a very pleasant & desirable location in deed. - I often think if you and Abby only lived here for me to board with how I should enjoy it. Mr. B - intends selling I believe if he can find a ready cash purchaser. Chandler would like this place would'nt he? Mr Kendall, could I talk with you really I should undoubtedly speak of many other things which I think it best not to write so I only speak of the most pleasant part and omit the opposite. I shall be so glad to hear from you - write soon and often won't you? How long do you stay this time? Bye - Good-Bye - yours affectionately Sister Mary written down left hand side of page Evening - Mrs. Murray has been here, we've been discussing some points of religion. She is a Swedenborgian - Our chief point of dissention was the Divinity or Omnipresance of Christ. I thought of you and wished I had you here to help sustain (my argument. Mrs. Murray is an excellent woman - She spoke of Judge Niles and Mr. Hannahs families - She has visited In both families she told me but some time ago I think