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La Porte May 8th 1962 My dear brother and sister. I enclose of course all your little boys have written, and have only to add that they are the very best boys in the world so far. We're getting on very bravely. You need give yourselves no uneasiness at all about us, we are all well and doing finely. But lonesome enough. We did'nt any of us I guess mistrust how lonesome 'twould seem. We shall be glad enough to see you on your return. Though you need not hasten on our account. But just enjoy yourselves and stay as long as you wish to to make your arrangements, and then how glad we shall be to see you. The neighbors are very kind and attentive. I've received seven calls, and I take the children round to the doors of your friends but Winnie objects to going in. Charlie stays here and keeps of the bears. Lena trys to do as well as she can, and I try to be very faithful. I hope you're both well as usual or better and very happy. You have a delightful time for your visit. I hope every thing will result very favorably. I think of you very very often, and am hoping to hear soon. The peach tree is in bloom and the cherries begin to show their white buds - Apple trees budding. It surprises me to see what a change a few days of sunny weather will make - I'm filling up the odd minutes with lack of Ladys made - God bless you and return you safely to your loving friends is the prayer of your affectionte sister Mary. written down left hand side of page If you return as soon as you said I shall not probably write again if we're all well - if not I shall write immediately - Mary