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welcome visitor in your pleasant Western home. But you Know until now it has never been convenient for me to leave home. And I felt I could not go immediately after mother died because there were things to be seen to, here, that required my attention before I felt that I could leave. That, I have now nearly accomplished. Yet there are many more things I would be glad to do if I could before I go away, and still if I go west I'm sorry not be there previous to your confinement though I could'nt perhaps do you any good I might help take care of you &c and that would be a satisfaction to me. Mr & Mrs Goldsbury are intending to go to Davenport to see James before long - And they are very anxious I should go then, in company with them. They intend now to start the second week in June. I've just been in there to call They wish to be remembered to you, send love &c. I wanted to stop at Chicopee a little while when I went west too, and see Aunt Wright you know. And another thing - perhaps thought I better not mention that however now - written down left hand side of page Abby Mayo Peck has a son - Fayette Smith of Ohio a son also - Sophronia Putnam has returned from the west and Irene with her for the summer - Mary comes in July and is to be married then probably -