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And I like the arrange ment, so far very well - only 'twas like severing a new cord to remove mother's things from their old accustomed places. Mr & Mrs Lincoln occupy Chandler's old home. Chandler & family are in here with me. Chandler has been and is making some new arrangements. He has taken down that little entry partition in our little Kitchen, moved the sink down to the window against the east side of the room, and is making the kitchen cupboard larger, and some painting and papering is yet to be done. Of course we've all been busy as possible - And I think we shall have a very pleasant arrangement of affairs when all is completed. Rev Mr. Lincoln and family, I think we shall like as tenants very much, and I hope 'twill be pleasant all round. You ask what I've decided to do this summer? And in answer I'll reply that I've about decided to visit you. Whether 'twill "be for the best or not" I'm not prophetess enough to determine. But I've about decided to try it and see. 'Tis'nt for want of any "cordial invitation", I hesitate, I assure you. I have many times been convinved that I should be a written down left hand side of page I have'nt a bit of room to say a word of "our country", but I feel enough as probably every one does - good night