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9th And so hour after hour passed away, and day after day, and each day seemed more lonely than the last. Chandler insisted on my going into his room to live - Thought I should feel better, and I did awhile, but to think of our home, mother's and mine deserted, made me feel so bad, I went back and built up fires in the stove, wound up the clock, took old Kate, brought up some apples and tried to eat, &c but it did'nt do any good - she was gone - I was left alone - night came and I thought I'd sleep in mother's bedroom and have it seem as it used to, and I went to bed there but not to sleep - there all night I lay thinking, thinking thinking, and oh! so lonesome - After that C- insisted upon my coming back to his house, and I did, but every day I go home, wind up the clock, and look around, and poor "old Kate" goes too - and time moves on. I sent to Abby Dix, for Emily's and my bonnets. They are both alike. Black English crepe, trimmed with folds of the same, and inside lab of the same. written down left hand side of page And Samuels is arranged so it cant be busted - I hope to hear from you both soon - I've a thousand things to say or write but not to night - Samuel's family are sick with colds I'm going over tomorrow to help take care of them. Good Bye