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in Heaven. She speaks much of you and hopes you will be abundantly blessed in this life and the life to come. She would be glad to see you if she could that is if you was here, but as it is she don't want you to come if it would be unfavourable to your business and she thinks of course of the expense. She will not forget you if you do not come nor cease to love you tenderly till death calls her to her better home. She has been giving away many of her things to us girls, and speaks of leaving as calmly and cheerfully as if she were going to another town on a visit - And we try to, but oh Charlie when we think that our mother, that has lived and loved and Labored and triled so many patient years to make us what we are, is so soon to leave us, Tears will come, for "What is home without a mother" Home will seem like home no longer - when she too has passed away and gone. written down left hand side of page Charlie if the time comes that you are out of employment, or are going to be on expense you better come home directly - you will always be welcome