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Mr. Kendall will see That you have a good chance I presume and if you are not needed in his mill I presume he will help you to find some other employment I hope you will do well while you do stay, and, when you get ready to come home we shall all be delighted to see you - In regard to the subject of Matrimony to which you alluded in your letter - I think as a general thing many people are in too much of a hurry - but not you mind I said you should hurry me soon if you can was to be the last one - Well you probably are not - Most likely I shall be the last or single one so you need'nt wait any longer. How is it in regard to the Western girls, the Boston and Waltham girls - Any word for "5.09"? She said the other night she should most think you would want a wife. I told her 'twas a principle of yours, not to take a mate till you could offer a pleasant home with heart and hand and as you had been unfortunate in your California deposits you was politely waiting till you could have greater means - She replied that many had the same idea, but she thought if a person was in any employment - where he could depend upon his earnings she thought he need not hesitate to ask a lady to share his home, and that the right sort of a lady would not regard wealth as the consideration of acceptation if the heart was right but would delight to assist him. Now Are'nt these good sentiments - Charlie how much could you love any body with such an opinion? Any! I believe you did'nt once use to! I told Abby I should tell you she was here - Mother and I and we all like her as a friend - We think she seems to be a real good girl - Charlie those "lines" "So say I" that you sent me in your last letter were capital were capital and I unclear to show them to somebody, but then that is'nt the "door" for "The boy" to be left at I think twould'nt be for the best. page torn Abby I'm not having any Thing new - Mother has got a new dress - page torn unclear with with which you unclear your letter page torn first rate and contained sound argument I coincide page torn I should be happy to have yours & Charles and Br Kendall page torn sometime on faith and Holiness {good night with love from your dear sister Mary LA -