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Abby Kendall Mary Warwick, May 2nd /59 Monday Eve, Maple Grove, "West Window" My own dear Sister Abby: Chandler wrote yesterday but I thought I would wait till to-day because you want the latest news of course. First I have to thank you for your last good letter. O, Abby it seemed so like my Abby. Some of your letters seem like Mr Kendall's Abby. But that was from my Abby of olden time. Dear me! how much letters stir up all the slumbering emotions of a sisters love. We were sisters! Ay, and we ever will be. You Abby ask if "there have been any heart struggles during our long separation! Can you think otherwise? Soul interwoven with soul, heart with heart, can it be possible, that time or distance can so rear the affections, that there will not be times, when there will be written down left hand side of page I have hardly room to say a word to Charles - Tell him 'just for the fun of it' though - That "Annie Mayo" is going to teach the centre school - this summer. She and her Mother called here the other day - Mrs Mayo said she did'nt see any one at Glens Falls - West that she wanted or that wanted her - She is full of fun - this spring -