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short months. You can not be to careful, yet mother says a proper amount of exercise will be beneficial to you. Take things easy and dont worry yourself about one single thing. You and Mr. Kendall both have my warm thanks for the cordial invitation to visit you, and Abby nothing would give me greater satisfaction than to be with you now and during your sickness &c - Yet I hardly know what to say about it. It is so very unexpected I can hardly bring my mind to any concluion. Mr Kendall, I thank you for your very kind and generous proposals. It is no small item of consideration. And should I conclude to come, I should hope to meet you at the nearest possible station. But, Abby, this subject seems to need much consideration. Now let us look at it. In the first place should you be very much disappointed if I did'nt come? Secondly, would my presence and assistance be of sufficient value, to ballance the trouble and expense? written down left hand side of page you must not expect me so much, that you will be disappointed write me soon as you receive this all send love to you